Ford F-250 vs. Hammer: Which One is Stronger?

If you love cars then you love everything about them from the tiniest details to the most apparent ones.

You love cars parts, you love the way they sound, you love how they look, you love the way they make you feel while you're driving them, you love the bodywork, craftsmanship, you love attending events dedicated to them and you love spending time with them. This is a passion you and we have for cars and this passion needs to be satisfied. Each enthusiast satisfies this distinctive passion in different ways. Some turns the key and drives for miles without even stopping by somewhere. Some prefers to join shows and events where thousands of other enthusiasts come all together. Some goes for customs. They chance, they modify, they built cars and some prefers to spend time with their precious machines and do simple things just like the guys in today's video do. This video, which got more than three million views, demonstrates us a couple guys making a pull off race between two badass machines: a Ford F-250 and a Hummer. Both are awesome cars with super strong engines, but the question is "which is stronger?"

If you want to know about the answer and see how this battle ends then click on the play button, check out the video and see.